Pigmentation removal

Discover Radiant, Youthful Skin with PicoSure Pro Laser

Are you ready to say goodbye to stubborn skin pigmentation and hello to a glowing, youthful complexion? With the revolutionary PicoSure Pro laser, achieving your dream skin is closer than ever.

This advanced technology delivers precise and effective treatments, targeting pigmentation issues while rejuvenating your skin. Whether you're looking to reduce sunspots, melasma, or freckles, PicoSure Pro helps you achieve noticeable, lasting results.

Why wait? Take the first step toward smoother, brighter, and healthier-looking skin today. Book your consultation and let us help you transform your skin with confidence!  😊

Why Choose PicoSure Pro?

The Future of Skin Rejuvenation

What makes PicoSure Pro truly groundbreaking?

Unlike traditional heat-based technologies, this cutting-edge laser treatment harnesses ultra-short, pulsed shockwaves to target skin imperfections with precision—all while generating minimal to no heat. The result? A gentler, yet highly effective solution that requires no downtime or recovery period.

Whether you’re dealing with age spots, sun damage, wrinkles, acne scars, or unwanted pigmentation, PicoSure Pro promotes your skin’s natural healing process, delivering outstanding results with minimal disruption to your routine.

Why settle for invasive treatments when you can achieve smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin with the world’s leading picosecond laser?

Experience the difference of PicoSure Pro. Your radiant, rejuvenated skin awaits!

How it works?

Advanced laser technology is used to target your unwanted sun damage and brown spots. The energy delivered causes them to slowly disappear through your body’s natural healing process, revealing clearer, more beautiful-looking skin.

Sun Damage and Brown Spots

with Picosure Pro laser

Picosure Pro laser therapy can address hyperpigmentation like brown spots resulting from sun damage.

Number of Treatments: 5–6  sessions

Treatment Interval: 2 weeks apart


Improvement is typically noticeable after the 2nd or 3rd session, but results may vary for each client.


Avoid sun exposure and harsh skincare products before and after the procedure. A consultation will determine the best treatment plan for your skin.

Note:  Results will vary from patient to Client

Freckles Pigmentation Removal

with Picosure Pro laser

Our advanced laser technology targets benign epidermal pigmentation, such as sunspots and freckles, with precision. Treatments are quick, effective, and require minimal downtime.

Number of Treatments: 2–4 sessions

Treatment Interval: 2–8 weeks apart


Improvement is typically noticeable after the 2nd or 3rd session, but results may vary for each client.


Avoid sun exposure and harsh skincare products before and after the procedure. A consultation will determine the best treatment plan for your skin.

Note: Results will vary from patient to Client

Benign Dermal Pigment Treatment

with Picosure Pro laser

 Our advanced treatments target benign dermal pigmentation with precision and care, effectively reducing discoloration for clearer, more even-toned skin.

Number of Treatments:  5–6 sessions

Treatment Interval:   2 weeks apart

Results:   Improvement is typically noticeable after the 2nd or 3rd session, but results may vary for each client.


Avoid sun exposure and harsh skincare products before and after the procedure. A consultation will help determine the best treatment plan for your skin.

Note:  Results will vary from patient to Client

Melasma Treatment

with Picosure Pro laser

What is melasma?

Melasma is a skin colour change that’s usually an even brown colour and often appears on the cheeks, forehead, nose, or upper lip.

Melasma is not physically harmful, but often can have a significant impact on the mental health of those who suffer with it.

There are a variety of treatments available for melasma, with one of the most popular and effective being laser pigmentation removal. This is a relatively painless process that helps to remove unwanted pigment from anywhere on your body.

Number of Treatments: 

1–14 sessions (5–6 treatments are most common)

Treatment Interval: 

 2–6 weeks apart (2–4 weeks are the most common intervals)


Improvement is often noticeable after the 2nd or 3rd session, but results vary by individual.


Avoid sun exposure and incorporate sunscreen into your daily skincare routine following treatments. A consultation will help determine the best treatment plan for your skin.

Note:  Results will vary from patient to Client

Sun Damage and Brown Spots

Reduce unwanted sun damage and brown spots in just a few quick and easy treatments.

This treatment is perfect to address the majority of pigmentary conditions, and other skin concerns, including: 

Wrinkles • Freckles •  Acne Scars • Benign Pigmented Lesions • Tattoos • Nevus of Ota • Hori’s Nevus • Melasma Pigment • Pores

Age spots • Sun damage •  Birthmarks 

Benefits of Our Lasers Treatments

It's the best start to achieving clear and healthy skin!

At Advanced Aesthetic Clinic we use Cynosure's Revlite SI and PicoSure Pro lasers to provide tailored solutions for your skin concerns. The choice of laser depends on your goals and the specifics of your pigmentation, ensuring safe and effective results.

Revlite SI: Perfect for gentle rejuvenation, addressing pigmentation, and improving skin tone.

Picosure Pro: A cutting-edge option for stubborn pigmentation, sun damage, and revitalizing your skin.

Book a consultation today!

Who is a candidate for PicoSure Pro laser treatments?

Candidates are men and women with any skin type or color who would like to address skin imperfections or pigmentation concerns. Ideal candidates should meet the following requirements:

  • Are generally in good health
  • Are struggling with uneven pigmentation or other skin concerns
  • Have not recently tanned in the sun or a tanning bed
  • Have realistic expectations about what this treatment can achieve for them

Post Treatment Recommendations

  • Slight swelling (edema) and erythema (redness) of the treated area may occur after treatment
  • Cool the skin posttreatment as needed with cold gel packs, cool gel, or cool air.
  • There may be a slight darkening (bronzing) of the skin noticeable 3-10 days posttreatment which resolves without intervention.
  • For Clients who are prone to break outs or have sebaceous skin, consider waiting 24 hours before applying any topical products.
  • Avoid sun exposure between treatments. If sun exposure is unavoidable, apply SPF 30+ to protect exposed, treated areas.

We’re making it easier

to pay for your treatments!

We want to make our services even more accessible and convenient for you. That’s why we’ve introduced payment with Klarna!

With Klarna:

You can make the best purchase decision.

  • Split your payment into 3 equal, interest-free installments, making it more manageable.
  • Additionally, the interval between laser treatments is 6 to 10 weeks, which means Klarna gives you even more flexibility to spread the costs and fully enjoy our services.

Most prices for laser treatments are customized based on the specific procedures. If you can’t find your pricing on our website, we’ll send you a special link via email so you can still take advantage of installment payments.

We look forward to welcoming you and making the most of this new payment option! 🎉

Pigmentation Removal Treatment FAQs

Below we will delve into the complexities of skin pigmentation issues. Understanding pigmentation—its causes, types, and treatments—can be a daunting task, which is why we’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions and provided detailed, insightful answers.

Whether you’re curious about the safety of laser treatments for different skin types, the process and care involved in treatment, or how to maintain your results, our goal is to arm you with the knowledge you need to make more informed decisions about your skin health. Explore our FAQs to uncover the path to clearer, more radiant skin. 

  • What types of pigment can be treated?

    Laser light treatment is appropriate for treating age spots, sun damage, and freckles on the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, legs, and feet.

  • What kinds of results can I expect?

    Clients can expect to see a decrease in the appearance of unwanted pigment in the treated area.

  • How many treatments will I need?

    Typically, only a few treatments are needed however depending on the condition, several treatments may be required to achieve desired results.

  • What can I expect following the treatment?

    Most people experience a mild, sun-burn like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor swelling, immediately following the treatment. This usually lasts 2 to 24 hours. Work with your provider to discuss other possible side-effects and the necessary post-treatment care.

  • Is there any downtime?

    For most Clients there is no downtime, allowing you to return to your normal activities immediately after!

Why SPF from Skinbetter Science

is Essential After Laser Treatment

Protecting your skin after a laser treatment is crucial for optimal healing and long-lasting results. Skinbetter Science SPF provides advanced sun protection, preventing hyperpigmentation and shielding sensitive, treated skin from harmful UV exposure. Consistent use helps maintain even skin tone, reduces the risk of irritation, and supports the skin’s natural recovery process.

Learn more


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